The Secret Contained in Apples Must Be Known. Eating Apples Regularly, Can Make Your Heart and Lungs Become Healthy And Strong.
We all know apples. Apples are usually red when the skin is ripe and ready to eat. But there are also apples that have green or yellow skin.
The average apple skin is rather soft, the flesh is hard. And this fruit also has some seeds in it.
The scientific name of the apple tree in Latin is Malus Domestica. Apple trees mostly grow in areas that have cooler temperatures than the surrounding area.
To eat apples, it is best to eat directly without cooking. Because the substances or vitamins contained in apples are still pure.
That apple is indeed a very delicious fruit. Lots of people who like it. But there are so many people who don't know the secrets contained in apples.
To find out the secrets contained in apples, you must read the text below.
What are the secrets contained in apples.
Apples contain vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin B1. One medium apple, contains approximately 8.4 mg of vitamin C.
Vitamin C helps collagen synthesis, an important component found in tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, to the skin.
Apples also contain various types of antioxidants which are high, and are very good for human health.
After knowing the secrets contained in apples, now we must know some of the benefits of apples for the health of our bodies.
Below are some of the health benefits of apples.
5 Secrets health benefits of apples.
1. Lose weight.
Apples do contain fiber and minerals which are very good for consumption by our body.
A study conducted by experts in the United States concluded, if you eat an apple in 10 weeks, the apple is able to cut body weight in a person.
2. Maintaining heart health.
In the apple contained polyphenols, the content was apparently able to provide antioxidant effects on the body.
These antioxidants are very beneficial for heart health and can significantly reduce the risk of stroke.
3. Avoid diabetes.
Apples have a good sugar content for our body, if we consume apples regularly, it will be able to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
And apples are also good for diabetics, because the substances contained in apples can treat diabetes.
4. Prevent Cancer.
Apples have high antioxidants, that's why apples are able to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
5. Treating asthma.
Apples are very effective at protecting the lungs from oxidative damage, this is because the antioxidant content of apples is quite high.
Therefore by consuming apples on a regular basis, can nourish the lungs and treat asthma, shortness of breath and diseases related to the lungs.
Those are some of the secrets contained in apples. Hopefully this article is useful for readers.